lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009


I'm perfectly aware I need to get a haircut.

But hey, when you're a lazy bum (and I don't mean a fake one, but the real thing, the One And Only Lazy Bum Who Would Starve To Death Out Of Pure Lazyness) the best you can do is aknowledge it and let it flow.

I'm going through a stage of self indulgence so I think I'll just try not to get too stressed about it.

But the thing is that I'm also in the need of renewing my ID card and that means I'm going to get some photos of myself taken...

All right, haircut first, then photos, then ID card renewal.

It's great when you're able to set the priorities in your life.

2 comentarios:

  1. A veces me gustaría que la prioridad de mi marido fuera corrarse el pelo, por encima de cualquier otra cosa...
    Divertida conclusión.

  2. Y sin embargo los hombres tendemos a posponer los cortes de pelo ad infinitum, no se sabe muy bien por qué...

    ay! los conflictos de intereses!
